Agent/SDK Updates

Agent 2.122.0

Fixed Guide no longer redraws if we’re in full screen mode or exiting gull screen mode for videos

Fixed Onboarding module preview now appearing VDS

Fixed Button Blocks, including Yes/No Polls, with fixed width now create horizontal scroll

Fixed Android auto close keyboard issue now resolved

Fixed Content with fixed widths in resource centers no longer overflows the container and now adjusts correctly

Fixed Structural changes implemented to simplify the agent build process

Agent 2.121.0

Fixed localStorage is now enabled when using JWT

Fixed Resource center preview now makes the correct request

Fixed Announcement badge now appears on announcement module links in home view

Fixed Guides now can render the “dir” attribute

Fixed Agent now validates origin on all resource requests on staging servers only (excludes adopt)

Agent 2.120.3

Fixed Fixed width text blocks no longer prevent horizontal scrollbars from appearing when resized on zoom

Fixed Guides that expire while snoozed will now display when the guide wakes

Fixed Resource center now adjusts width on resize if the width exceeds the window width

Fixed Console error no longer displays for some resource center code blocks

Fixed Link and button previews now appearing in the theme builder