Agent/SDK Updates

iOS SDK 2.7.0

Added Net Promoter Score (NPS)! Yes, that’s right! You can now gauge customer loyalty and overall user satisfaction on your mobile apps! Read more.

Added Open Text Poll! Use an open text field for qualitative responses. Read more.

Added New Guide Activation! Ability to launch a guide using Track Events. Read more.

Added Ability to capture Modals’ features; Capture the modal and tag its features to receive features’ analytics.

Added SDK sends initialization notification (callbacks) on init.SDK and switchVisitor.

Changed Security enhancements; Updating libraries, and refactoring.

Changed Mobile guides now being created with Texture instead of ComponentKit. This means more guide flexibility in the near future!

Changed Optimize data usage sent by SDK.

Changed Changed kIIODidSuccessfullyInitializeSDKNotification and kIIOErrorInitializeSDKNotification notification observation to kPNDDidSuccessfullyInitializeSDKNotification and kPNDErrorInitializeSDKNotification. The old notification observer will be deprecated in the next minor release (2.8).

Fixed Improvements to features and page rules automatic identification

Fixed Pendo.pauseGuides() function.

Fixed Stability enhancements.

Supporting also 

iOS SDK 2.5.6

Fixed Stability improvements

Fixed InitSDK callback sent earlier than expected


Supporting also

Agent 2.79.6

Fixed Fixed issue that caused the Agent to send unnecessary “identify” events

Agent 2.79.5

Added Changing Account IDs triggers an event flush that sends cached events to Pendo

Added Throttling now detects and mitigates undesired Guide redisplays

Added Additional safeguards to ensure Guide steps do not show on the wrong page

Fixed ShadowRoot polyfills other than ShadyDom are now supported

Fixed Fixed issue that prevented skipping steps with a count parameter from working in multi-frame scenarios

Fixed Fixed issue that could prevent the next step of a walkthrough from displaying if advancing the current step caused an iframe to unload

Fixed Fixed subresource integrity hash validation in Firefox

Fixed Fixed global CSS loading in Android Cordova apps


Fixed Native applications with React Native components failed to tag pages