Agent/SDK Updates

Agent 2.61.4

Fixed Fixed an issue that prevented correct display of an NPS guide when viewed from the NPS email

Agent 2.61.3

Fixed removed agent configuration option for blocking server IP address logs

Fixed fixed issue that occasionally prevents guides from showing in iframes when guide content has not loaded yet

Fixed add the staging agent script tag to the document head or body if no other script tags are found in the document

Fixed guideActivity events get sent to the correct endpoint

Fixed Feedback initialization now works correctly when identifying a previously anonymous visitor

Android SDK

Fixed If you’ve updated your android build version to ( v4.0.0 and above, use this SDK to succeed in compiling your app. 

Android SDK

Changed Replaced the Pendo Server’s certificate.
The existing Pendo certificate in your app will expire in June 2021, which will cause the SDK to stop collecting analytics and stop showing guides to your users. We recommend upgrading to this new SDK soon.
Why? Certificates expire every 2 years and must be replaced to keep your app secure

Added The SDK can be customized to use a custom CNAME to access the Pendo backend

Fixed A bunch of bugs 🐞


Changed Replaced the Pendo Server’s certificate.
The existing Pendo certificate in your app will expire in June 2021, which will cause the SDK to stop collecting analytics and stop showing guides to your users. We recommend upgrading to this new SDK soon.
Why? Certificates expire every 2 years and must be replaced to keep your app secure

Added The SDK can be customized to use a custom CNAME to access the Pendo backend

Added A new endSession API enables the app to clean the user data and stop sending analytics for the user

Fixed A bug in 2.4 SDKs could make ‘Time in app’ analytics less accurate (disregarding some mobile sessions)

Fixed Tooltip placed on a list element marked as ‘Tag all items on this list as a single feature’ would show on the last list item instead of the first one