Android SDK 2.12.0

Added Video Building Blocks for Mobile guides (Beta)! You can now bring your guides to life and engage your users with Youtube video

Added Background image for Mobile guides! Take your branding to the next level by adding a background image to your mobile guides

Changed Replaced API functionsinitSDK, initSDKwithoutVisitor, switchVisitor with setup and startSession for all supported Frameworks.  More information in: Android Developer API Documentation. Note: Previous methods are still supported but will eventually be deprecated

Fixed In some devices, the “X” button in full-screen guides is displayed under the notch bar

Fixed Feature Tagging when implementing Drawer menu using LinearLayout and tagging issues with Material Components

Fixed Crash when tagging action sheet on React Native 0.64

Fixed Inaccurate screen identification when swiping through pages in app

Fixed Tooltip would disappear when rotating device from portrait to landscape

Supporting also