Pendo Mobile SDK

Android SDK 3.1.0

Fixed Tooltip guides placements on React-Native modals

Fixed Tooltip guides location and dimension inaccurate after orientation change

Fixed Guide dismiss event fired multiple times

Fixed Guide targeting in the first screen after launch


iOS SDK 3.0.2

Fixed Calling pauseGuide immediately after startSession didn’t stop guides

Fixed Crash occurred on SwiftUI when the Pendo SDK was scanning uninitialized objects on the host app

iOS SDK 3.0.1


Changed Support subscription migrations


Fixed Guide Glitches on version 2.22 – React Native

Fixed Crash in pairing mode 

Fixed Crash when tagging Pages due to deprecated API

Fixed Memory issues 

Android SDK 2.22.7

Changed When redirect is received during getAccessToken (304), the SDK should redirect all network requests to the TargetEnv received in the response payload

Fixed MAUI- Endless loop when NavigationPage and RootPage are the same page

iOS SDK 2.22.6

Changed When redirect is received during getAccessToken (301), the SDK should redirect all network requests to the TargetEnv received in the response payload

Fixed Fixed issue causing some crashes on PNDArray manipulation

Fixed Fixed issue causing some crashes in PNDpairingcontroller