Agent/SDK Updates

Agent 2.52.0

Fixed guides eligible for display in frames show in the resource center guide list

Fixed do not allow advancing or dismissing a guide that is still waiting for content to load

Fixed default guide seen timeout is now 10 seconds instead of 10 milliseconds

Fixed race condition in element activated guides that could fail to send guide analytics if clicking the element changes the page location

Agent 2.51.0

Fixed Fixed issue that hides the resource center every half second when it has no eligible guides or modules

Fixed Preview mode not correctly matching page rules


Changed Replaced the Pendo Server’s certificate

We recommend upgrading to this SDK ASAP as the existing certificate in your app will expire on Oct 27th, 2020. At that time your users will stop seeing guides and collecting analytics.

Alternatively, consult with your CSM regarding the option to upgrade to our new Pendo SDK 2.x.

Why? Certificates expire every 3 years and must be replaced to keep your app secure.