Pendo Web Agent

Agent 2.45.1

Added We now capture collection time with all event properties

Added Clicking a step’s badge dismisses the step instead of advancing a step

Added We now support capturing the “nearest” element based on a relative selector

Fixed Stop sending document title with page load

Fixed In apps with iframes, opening multiple browser tabs could corrupt the guide state and lead to re-displays of dismissed guides…but not anymore

Fixed We found and fixed a nasty race condition that (very) occasionally prevented guides from auto-displaying in apps with iframes

Agent 2.44.3

Fixed Error catching in customer-defined URL modifier functions was causing unnecessary noise in backend processing. For now, we have reverted this error catching.

Agent 2.44.2

Fixed Hotfix for an issue that prints an error to the console when guides are loaded within 10 seconds of advancing or dismissing a guide step

Agent 2.44.1

Added There is now an option to completely disable global CSS

Added Adopt CNAME host (if enabled) will now list valid designer hosts

Added New identifiers for browser tab, frame, and guide session are attached to analytics collection

Added New support for hover activation for guides in shadow DOM

Fixed Fix for issue that can prevent clicks from firing in bootstrap dropdowns in iOS Safari

Fixed Fix to ensure that no requests are sent to Pendo servers until after the document load event fires

Agent 2.43.1

Fixed ensure that the Pendo agent page change handler does not trigger angular’s change detection in angular apps