Agent/SDK Updates

Android SDK

Fixed Tagging DrawerItemContainer will only collected analytics from the first item in the list

Removed Unused classes and their dependencies which caused an error message when compiling the app

Agent 2.65.2

Fixed Fixes an issue where multiple automatic guides could display in frames.

Agent 2.65.1

Added Turning on enableDebugEvents will now capture additional information about the guide session

Fixed Pendo Adopt guides get higher priority for click/hover activation

Fixed Trim whitespace from text captured based on allowed text settings

Fixed Resource centers that activate on a target element will now hide if that element is clicked while the resource center is visible

Fixed Fixed a bug that prevents the designer from launching more than once

Android SDK

Fixed Apps using the androidx namespace might fail to build due to colliding libraries. One example of collision is with com.stripe:stripe-3ds2-android:4.0.5 

Added Support for CNAME without certificate pinning.