Pendo Web Agent

Agent 2.97.0

Fixed Performance improvement that only loads default CSS if a legacy guide is present

Fixed Prioritize Guides setting for Adopt now shows automatic guides in the correct order

Fixed Restart preview now always returns to the first step of the guide

Agent 2.96.2

Fixed Announcement notification count correctly reflects “experiment” groups

Fixed Tooltip carets rendering incorrectly in some cases

Fixed Performance optimizations when the Resource Center is in the “closed” state

Agent 2.95.3

Fixed Rewrite URLs for images in guides when contentHost is configured in the snippet

Fixed Fix issue that can prevent guides from activating on element click when multiple guides activate from the same element

Agent 2.95.2

Added Agent can be configured through pendo-provided options to load designer plugins.js via a callback, rather than through script injection

Fixed Only recalculate flex rows on resize if width changed

Fixed Disable legacy designer postMessage listener when legacy designer access is disabled

Fixed postMessage origin validation requires https when requireHTTPS flag is set

Fixed Ensure app unloaded event is recorded when debug events are enabled

Fixed Preview mode works in Adopt V2

Fixed Fix issue that can prevent guides in frames from advancing when cookies/storage are disabled

Agent 2.94.1

Added Callbacks, like annotateUrl, can be used with Signed Metadata

Fixed Console error is no longer logged in IE11 when an iframe is destroyed

Fixed Resource Center badge no longer temporarily displays on mobile devices when it should not display