Pendo Mobile SDK

Android SDK 2.18.1

Fixed Dynamically changed pages were not recognized correctly

Android SDK 2.18.0

Added Notification when using a broken deep link in a guide

Added New API screenContentChanged to re-scan all features on the page to support identifying features that are loaded dynamically – Now available for Xamarin.Forms apps

Added Support for ListView control for Xamarin.Forms

Fixed Crash due to external library usage (Rhyno)

Fixed Revert accessibility support on images in guides which caused a crash

iOS SDK 2.18.0

Added SwiftUI code-less support – Open Beta (read more)

Added Notification when using a broken deep link in a guide

Added New API screenContentChanged to re-scan all features on the page to support identifying features that are loaded dynamically – Now available for Xamarin.Forms apps

Added Support for RadSlideView for Xamarin.Forms

Added Partial code-less support for dynamic elements with React Native Navigation (Click analytics)

Fixed Alert buttons not collecting accessibility texts

Fixed Support for UIControl using gestures

Fixed Apps not using UIScene did not present guides after background timeout

Fixed Prevent calling setup API multiple times


Xamarin Forms 2.17.1

Fixed Prevent a crash when a page is called this way await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new NavigationPage(new LoginPage(email, _appOptions)));