Pendo Web Agent

Version 2.8.0

These changes are only available for Agent 2.0.

Added Support for automatic guide throttling

Version 2.7.1

These changes are only available for Agent 2.0.

Fixed Fixes an issue where walthroughs activated by clicking on an element were not correctly advancing past the second step

Version 2.7.0

These changes are only available for Agent 2.0.

Fixed Fixes an issue that caused guides in the guide center to be ordered incorrectly

Fixed Fixes an issue that prevented walkthroughs from advancing correctly under certain conditions in iFrames

Changed The agent can now send event data to multiple subscriptions via the ‘additionalApiKeys’ config field

Changed Adds initial support for Electron applications in the designer

Version 2.6.3

These changes are only available for our new Agent 2.0.

Fixed Minor updates with internal logging and error reporting

Version 2.6.2

These changes are only available for our new Agent 2.0.

Fixed Fixes an issue with the opacity on the Guide Center badge when “what’s new” guides are enabled

Fixed Fixes a race condition that can occur when loading guides and causes no guides to display during that session