Agent/SDK Updates

iOS SDK for Xamarin Apps

Due to the addition of account metadata support in this SDK, our installation instructions have slightly changed. Please use these instructions for SDK 52.

Added Setting account metadata from your mobile app: it is now possible to send, alongside the key-value pairs of user data, also key-value pairs of account data. Please refer to the installation instructions for more details.

Added Tag gestures support in tagging – some apps implement buttons via tap gestures. If your app has such implementation, this SDK allows you to tag such buttons and trigger guides based on their clicks.

Changed Added support for guide presentation in iPhone X and any iOS device with a “notch”: guides will not use the “Safe areas” of the device.

Changed Our internal implementation of listening to screen view and tap events was changed due to a PSPDFKit library conflict. There should be no effect on the SDK’s functionality. We recommend upgrading to this SDK if you use the PSPDFKit library in your app.

Fixed When the app sets a visitor ID with the SDK and then switches to a different visitor ID after login, the new user metadata is now successfully set for the latter visitor.



Fixed Fixed iOS13 issue relating to tooltip – if your app has an active mobile tooltip guide, or if you’re going to publish such guide, you must take this SDK in order for tooltips to work for users who move to iOS13 in September.

Added Tag gestures support in tagging – some apps implement buttons via tap gestures. Tthe user is not aware of this. Behind the scenes, such button clicks are implemented via tap gestures. If your app has such implementation, take this SDK to be able to tag such buttons and trigger guides based on their clicks.

Changed Our internal implementation of listening to screen view and tap events was changed due to a PSPDFKit library conflict. There should be no effect on the SDK’s functionality. We recommend upgrading to this SDK if you use the PSPDFKit library in your app.


Fixed Fixed iOS13 issue relating to tooltip – if your app has an active mobile tooltip guide, or if you’re going to publish such guide, you must take this SDK in order for tooltips to work for users who move to iOS13 in September.

Agent 2.18.5

Added Support for the Announcements Module in Resource Center.

Added Users can now add search terms to guides found in the Guides List module.

Added Added configuration option to allow customers to ignore url hash changes entirely.

Fixed Customer implemented querystring whitelists had an edge case that caused them to be ignored. This has been fixed and should now always be honored.

Agent 2.18.2

Fixed Preview mode now correctly uses normalized URLs when checking for page matches. This should clear up the vast majority of false positives for “Incorrect Page” errors encountered while in preview mode.

Fixed The initial render of a tooltip pointed at a position:fixed element was sometimes off by a few pixels. Not anymore.

Fixed We’ve changed some internals of how click-activated guides are triggered. These guides should now have virtually no impact on the performance of a user’s application, regardless of how many click-activated guides exist on a given page.