Agent/SDK Updates

Agent version 2.17.11

Added Guides created in the Visual Designer can now be validated with content validation (This can be enabled in Subscription Settings)

Added Support for adding a search bar to the Guide List Module in Resource Center

Agent version 2.17.10

Added The Resource Center can now be configured to not automatically re-open when transitioning between pages

Added The Resource Center can now be open while another guide is open

Added Added public endpoints to allow enabling/disabling of event collection

Fixed Tooltips created in the Visual Designer correctly apply z-index from the #pendo-g element to their top-level container (#pendo-base)

Fixed Tooltips now compute their size earlier in the render cycle, allowing for more accurate size computations in specific customer environments

Fixed When both staged and public guides are targeted to the same element on a staging host, staged guides display first

Fixed Badges now render correctly in Preview Mode

Android SDK

Fixed The SDK now supports apps using the AndroidX support library.

Fixed Improvements for when the SDK is initialized from an Activity rather than from the Application object.

Agent version 2.17.7

Added Preview mode information bar can now be moved to the bottom of the screen, so it doesn’t cover up the previewed guide

Added When targeted to an element, the resource center now has an empty state message when it has no content to display

Added Better handling for iframe-heavy customer apps when using the Visual Designer

Android SDK

Fixed Improvements for when the SDK is initialized from an Activity rather than from the Application object.