Agent/SDK Updates

Agent 2.218.1

Fixed Session recording attachShadow no longer interferes with detection of native shadow DOM support

MAUI Plugin 3.1.0

Added MAUI apps need to register Pendo’s effects. Pendo uses effects to detect elements with gestures as clickable. Please see the new install instructions for MAUI (Android / iOS).

Fixed Analytics sent for TapGestures

iOS SDK 3.1.0

Added Support for SwiftUI new navigation APIs

Added Support for SwiftUI on iOS 17

Fixed Calling pauseGuides API immediately after startSession didn’t pause guides


Agent 2.218.0

Added Show guide throttling countdown in debugger v2

Added Show full step eligibility when viewing a guide in debugger v2

Fixed Address race condition in auto display that could break throttling

Fixed Improve performance when setTimeout triggers change detection loop in angular applications

Fixed Session recording now captures CSS correctly on sites using prototype.js library

Agent 2.217.1

Fixed No longer start duplicate session recordings if pendo.js is included more than once in page