Agent/SDK Updates

Agent 2.211.0

Added Redesign preview bar to better support smaller screens

Fixed Prevent guide from continuously re-displaying when frames have mismatched visitors (will still redisplay on reload)

Fixed Improved detection for cloned tabs and correction of tabId

Fixed Include sessionId on session recording log events

Fixed Correctly readjust “blockout” backdrop position between all steps and target elements

Major Version – iOS, Android, React, Xamarin Forms, MAUI, Flutter SDK V3.0

To migrate from version 2.x to version 3.x, please see this migration documentation.

Added SwiftUI codeless Pendo support for guides and analytics

Added Flutter codeless design partner support for page tagging and pop up guides

Added SDK support for anonymous to known full customer journey

Changed SwiftUI combined with iOS native build. SwiftUI beta customers need to import the iOS native build.

Changed Xamarin Forms library name changed from PendoSDKXamarin to pendo-xamarin-forms. Xamarin forms customers need to import the new library name.

Changed iOS deployment target was increased from iOS 9.0 to iOS 11.0.

Changed iOS SwiftUI View extension API enableClickAnalytics was renamed to pendoRecognizeClickAnalytics.

Changed iOS UIKit enableClickAnalytics replaced with UIView extension API called pendoRecognizeClickAnalytics.

Changed JWT APIs have been moved to a their own jwt namespance.

Changed Removed the following deprecated API’s from all frameworks:

    • initSDK
    • initSDKWithoutVisitor
    • clearVisitor
    • switchVisitor
    • initParams
    • setAccountId (or read only added to property in iOS)

    • pauseGuides without dismissGuides argument

Changed Removed the following deprecated API’s from single sources:

    • iOS native appkey property
    • Android isInitStarted callback
    • SwfitUI enableSwiftUI API
    • RN withPendoRN

Fixed Bug where using nativeID to set clickable element did not work as expected

Fixed Bug that caused some offline data not to be sent on App Start

Fixed Bug where some tooltip guides ignored bottom margin

Supported-framework updates are outlined below:  please reference the documentation for additional information.

Framework Prerequisites Build System
Android SDK 3.x:
API 21 – API 33
Kotlin 1.9.0
JAVA 11 and above

SDK 2.x:
API 21 – API 33
Kotlin 1.7.20
JAVA 8 and above

SDK 2.19.1 and above:
Android Gradle Plugin 7.2 – 8.2 (inclusive)

SDK below 2.19.1:
Android Gradle Plugin up to 7.2 (not including 7.2)

iOS SDK 3.x:
iOS11 – iOS17

SDK 2.x:
iOS9 – iOS17

SDK 3.x:
xCode 14 and above
Swift Compatibility 5.7 and above

SDK 2.x:
xCode 13 and above
Swift Compatibility 5.6 and above

Xamarin .NET 4
Xamarin Forms SDK 3.x:
.NET 4
Android 13 or above

SDK 2.x:
.NET 4
Android 12 or above

Maui SDK 3.x:
.NET 7
Android 13

SDK 2.x:
.NET 6/7
Android 13

IDE – Visual Studio 17.4
React Native

  • React Navigation
  • React Native Navigation
0.60 – 0.72
No longer testing 0.6 – 0.66
  • 5.x, 6.x
  • 6.x, 7.x

  • React Navigation
  • React Native Navigation
SDK 41 – 49
  • 5.x, 6.x
  • 6.x, 7.x
Flutter SDK 3.x:
3.3.0 and above
Dart 2.18 and above

SDK 2.x:
2.0.0 – 2.10.5
Dart 2.12.0-2.16.2

Agent 2.210.0

Fixed No longer throw null reference error when dismissing guides in Firefox extension installations

Fixed Session recording now restarts properly after calling pendo.teardown

Fixed Event properties now match correctly in shadow DOM

Fixed Properly handle anguler/zone.js prototype changes for session recording

Fixed Resource center badge now stays hidden during scroll when integrations are visible

Fixed Do not double-encode URLs when page event properties are enabled

Fixed Do not send multiple guideTimeout events when a target element is not immediately visible

Agent 2.209.1

Fixed Add JWT support for session recordings

Fixed Sync the first recordingId in a session with sessionRecordingId

Agent 2.209.0

Added Display preview errors as banners below preview bar

Fixed Branching guides now work correctly when other multi-select polls are added first

Fixed Send guideSeen event for repeat view of resource center announcement guides

Fixed Ensure recordingSessionId stays consistent across page loads

Fixed Safeguard against null timestamps on recording events