Agent/SDK Updates

Agent 2.259.2

Fixed Ensure u-turn detection works correctly with non-native JSON.parse implementations

Agent 2.259.1

Added Clear new guide cache when visitor id changes

Agent 2.259.0

Added Support for guide caching to reduce payload size (disabled by default, requires application flag)

Added Updated guide translation url format for guide preview mode

Fixed Non-native map & set implementations can break analytics

Fixed Guide logic removed whitespace when using standard markdown

Fixed Resource Center activity events were sending guideId instead of stepId in some cases

iOS Native SDK 3.5.1

Fixed When multiple text fields exist, guide position is misaligned because of the keyboard.

Fixed The dismissVisibleGuides API call doesn’t always dismiss guides.

Fixed Click analytics missing on some SwiftUI elements.

Agent 2.257.3 & 2.258.1

Fixed Fix u-turn detection causing load events to fail to collect in some cases