Fixed Guide Runtime now reporting some messages correctly as informational instead of errors
Fixed Zooming on mobile browsers better handles resizing guides
Fixed Embedded Content now limits the number of GuideSeen events it reports
Fixed Guide Runtime now reporting some messages correctly as informational instead of errors
Fixed Zooming on mobile browsers better handles resizing guides
Fixed Embedded Content now limits the number of GuideSeen events it reports
Fixed Change log level on guide runtime message from error to debug
Added Agent debugger now shows when guide loop is not running
Fixed Identity sync now syncs top frame identity to any loaded child frames
Fixed Guide loop will now start if only embedded content is present
Fixed Closing the resource center no longer fires the unmount runtime event for the currently shown guide
Fixed Guide loop now starts even if resource center fails to load
Fixed Clean up all debounced event handlers when calling teardown
Added Addtional query parameter to recording request to indicate new session
Added Configuration option to automatically remove guides with slow selectors
Fixed Feedback plugin initialized multiple times in some cases
Fixed Session replay capture of grid-template areas in Chrome
Fixed Visibility checks for slotted components in scrollable areas