Pendo Web Agent

Agent 2.223.0

Added Pop-out window view for the agent debugger

Added Support for nested grow height elements

Added Allow list configuration optionfor agent localStorage/cookie keys

Fixed Session recording events tied to wrong tabId if sessionStorage is cleared by host app

Fixed Improve timestamp used for “u-turn” calculation

Fixed Switch to sessionStorage for storing “u-turn” previousPageLoads

Agent 2.222.2

Fixed Improve setTimeout handling for the agent when used inside of the Firefox version of Pendo Launcher

Agent 2.222.0

Fixed Session recording now records grid-template correctly in Chrome

Fixed Event properties prioritize matches on the clicked element if there are multiple matches

Fixed (Debugger v2) add sort options to guide list

Fixed (Debugger v2) show autodisplay alerts as guides title notification

Agent 2.221.0

Added Config option for nonce support for inline guide styles

Fixed Re-fetch recording config when metadata changes

Fixed Save last interaction info for session recording more frequently

Fixed Backdrop no longer flickers when next step contains an image

Fixed Resource center badge no longer shows during scroll after being hidden

Fixed Fully cleanup preview frame from child

Fixed Use adopted style sheets for shadow root attachPoint

Security Escape hostname regular expressions